This post was most recently updated on September 23rd, 2019
Have you ever thought about painting a piano? I’m smitten with all the colorful painted pianos I’ve seen online recently. I am so tempted to snatch up a (decent) used piano for a good price, and give it a coat of paint.
Miss G, who is 7 and a half, started piano lessons this year, but for now, she’s learning on a keyboard. Until she decides that she’s sticking with it, we’re definitely not forking over thousands for a new piano.
I realize that a painted piano must seem like crazy-talk to serious musicians; almost sacrilegious, I am sure! But you have to admit, there’s something kinda tempting about matching a piano to your room’s decor – or better still, making it pop!
Some pianos – especially the more affordable ones – aren’t, dare I say, all that pretty. And, let’s face it, a piano is a wee bit hard to hide. So if I end up with one of these 500-1000 pound beasts in my home, I’d like it to be a statement piece.
Check out these 10 cuties…
1. White Piano
Source: Cute Pink Stuff via The Cottage Chick
2. Turquoise Piano
Source: Addicted 2 Decorating
3. Ivory Piano
Source: via Denise In Bloom on Pinterest
4. Robin’s Egg Blue Piano
Source: The Pennington Point
5. Kelly Green Piano
6. Sky Blue Piano
Source: Crap I’ve Made
7. Lime Green Piano
8. Cream Piano
Source: All Things Thrifty
9. Fire Engine Red Piano
10. Sunflower Yellow Piano
And, OMG, here is the before & after!
Source: A Bit of Sunshine
Pretty flipping amazing, yes? It’s hard to pick a favorite!
Still hesitant? I totally get that. Go and read one of my absolute fave decor posts ever by Melissa at The Inspired Room, and you might just be persuaded. Melissa wrote an incredibly inspiring post last year called “Never Paint a Piano Yellow“. (Click the title to go to my post where I provide the link.)
Going for it? Yay you! Although I can’t personally vouch for their quality, there are several “How to Paint a Piano” homeowner tutorials online. Just Google “how to paint a piano”.
{One last word /disclaimer: While I know that painting a piano will likely make it prettier, I know absolutely-patootly NOTHING about how painting a piano may or may not affect its acoustics, if at all. So ensure you do your own research, and weigh the pros and cons, before deciding to paint a piano!}
Until next time,

I am geeked to see the painted pianos!! I fell in love with a photo of a green piano from a better homes and garden magazine picture 6 years ago while we were building our house. So when I found an old blond colored piano I had to have it (husband could not imagine why I purchased it). Since we were in the middle of building, I stored it at our neighbors and kinda forgot all about it. She called me today and asked me to kindly take it to my own home. SO…I remembered the image I had and decied to google “paint a piano” for inspirations. Waalaa! I find your site and am now ecstatically trying to decied what color to paint it!!! I am leaning toward blue/turquise/robin’s egg shade…but maybe red ( I combine the two in my decor). And then there is always the many favorite shades of green!! How do I decide? Please help. And does the Lisa who owns the Robin Egg blue piano #4 (VERY LOVELY!!) have any tips on things to know on how to paint a piano. I am loving your site! I wish we could have a cup of tea and talk about all we have in common!
I’m so glad you liked the round-up of pianos! You are so lucky to have a piano to paint; I wish I had room for one here. I love turquoise and red together too; I actually decorated entirely in those colors last Christmas! I do recall seeing some tips on how to paint pianos while researching for this post. Perhaps something might come up in a search? Unfortunately, I’ve never painted one, but I’m sure that it would require a primer or a good paint with a primer built-in. Check Lisa’s site (the Pennnington Post) as she might have some tips over there. Good luck! If you paint it, please let me know. I’d love to see it!! ~Kerri, A Pop of Pretty
Love splash of color but didn’t dare to pain the whole piece and end up painting just a bench and the lamp bases yellow
Wow, what a great idea! Love the yellow bench and lamps. ~Kerri, A Pop of Pretty
Love your sight…and your site!
Teeheehee 😉
Hi Kerri-Lynn,
So, I am ready to get rid of our old 500lb beast in the living room. Dated for sure, but Avery at age 6 taking lessons and not-so-helpful Nic at age 2 (likes to see how hard he can bang the keys) make purchasing a new, nice Yamaha not a realistic investment at this point. These are great! I think I’ll tackle it, and if I do, I will definitely send you a pic.
Love your sight, you have a gift! Now if I can just convince you to come see me in NB for a few days, you could re-do my house…
Hey, Tara! Thanks for coming by, and thanks for the sweet comments! You should definitely paint it…and I’d LOVE to see the results. Sounds like your piano practice goes a little like ours around here! Gabrielle is still practicing on a keyboard, and we had to put it in a far corner of the house so that the boys don’t maul her to death while she’s practicing! Must be those light-up keys…to hard for a 2 year old boy to resist! Hope all is well with you guys! xo KL
I love it! I am the girl with the Robin’s Egg Blue piano (#4). I painted it almost 2 years ago and we still LOVE it. Instead of being a big brown monster in the corner, dragging the energy of the room down, it cheers me up every day. 🙂
But I wanted to tell you that I did a LOT of research before painting it, including talking to 2 different men that tune pianos and one that is a concert pianist. They all agreed that painting it would not affect the sound. Although none of them could for the life of them figure out why I would want to paint my piano and thought I was crazy.
I am crazy….crazy happy with my robin’s egg blue piano. Thanks for featuring it! Lisa~
Thanks for coming by Lisa! OMG, I sooooo ADORE that robins egg blue piano…its one of my faves by far!! It would make me smile every day too. ~Kerri, A Pop of Pretty 🙂
Love it! Especially the bright ones.
Ha! How about you sell it to me so I can paint it, lol?!? It’s only about 500 pounds, I am sure the guys can carry it across the street, teehee! ~Kerri
And I JUST arranged to have my piano GONE by month’s end….now what?!?!?! These are gorgeous!!!