This post was most recently updated on November 11th, 2021
In this article: How much ribbon do I need for my Christmas tree? This is one of the top questions I get every holiday season. So, today, I’m dishing on all things Christmas ribbon: how much you need for your Christmas tree, where to buy the best ribbon, what type of ribbon you should buy, and how wide your ribbon should be.
Are you wondering how much ribbon you’ll need for your Christmas tree? If so, you’re not alone. Over the 8 years that readers have used my popular tutorial on how to wrap a Christmas tree, it’s the question that’s been asked the most. Well, I’d love to tell you that I have a simple answer. However, it all depends on your tree (shape and size) and your method for wrapping your tree. But, there is definitely a general guideline that will help you decide how much ribbon you’ll need. I’ll share all of that below, as well as, all your burning questions about Christmas ribbon.

Note: This post contains some commissionable links. However, this will not change the price you pay if you choose to buy these products. You will still pay the exact same price you would pay otherwise.
Why so early?
But, before we talk about how much ribbon you need for a Christmas tree, let’s address why I’m writing about it already. I mean, it’s not even Halloween as I write this article. (Although it may be later when you read it.) Well, if you’ve read about my #1 Christmas decorating tip, you’d understand. Spoiler alert: you need to buy early! I’m sure you’ve noticed. The holiday retail season does not exactly align with Christmas decorating. In fact, retailers are already whooping it up with a mix of jack-o-lanterns and inflatable Santas.
That means you have to hop on your decor shopping early, friends. If you want the best stuff, or enough of it, you need to start your hunt soon. If you’ve ever tried to find Christmas ribbon close to Christmas, you know what I mean. Two words: picked over. Or worse, sold out.

So, how much ribbon do you need for your Christmas tree?
So, how much ribbon do you need for your Christmas tree? Or, the other version, how many rolls of ribbon should I purchase?
The general guideline out there on how much ribbon for a Christmas tree seems to be about 10 feet of ribbon or every foot of Christmas tree. So, for example, a typical, 7.5 foot tree would require about 75 feet of ribbon, and a 9 foot tree would need about 90 feet of ribbon.
Translating this into rolls, just apply some basic math. For a 9′ tree, if the ribbon roll has 10 feet on it, you will need 9 rolls of ribbon. But, if it has 25 feet on it, you will need 4 rolls. And, for a 7.5 foot tree, you’ll need eight x 10′ rolls of 10′ rolls, or three x 25′ rolls.
However, this guideline is for the MINIMAL amount of ribbon you’ll need. If you are going for a look that is full, natural and cascading, I definitely recommend more than this. In fact, you could even double it! This is particularly true if you want to wrap your tree with multiple ribbon patterns. If you aren’t sure, just buy more ribbon than you think you’ll need. Then, just return what’s leftover. That’s much safer than not having enough ribbon for your Christmas tree.

Where to buy ribbon for your Christmas tree?

Most Affordable Christmas Ribbon
So, now that we’ve established why you should hop to it, where should you go? Well, craft stores like Michael’s and Hobby Lobby are always great choices. The Christmas ribbon is usually on trend and very affordable, making it easy to change your Christmas tree ribbon often, if you tire of it. They usually carry a line of cooordinating ribbon too, so you can find ribbon that looks great together. (Note: Click any ribbon below to take you to the source)
Walmart has also upped its Christmas decor game in recent years (you can see my Walmart Nordic Style Christmas Tree here). And, if you live in Canada, Canadian Tire‘s Christmas decor line never disappoints. To make things easier (especially in 2020), you can also order beautiful Christmas ribbon online at these retailers. I’ve found some gorgeous ribbon on Amazon. You can find some of my favourite Amazon finds over on my Amazon storefront.
Finally, can find really gorgeous ribbon at retailers like Marshall’s and HomeSense. But, it’s truly hit or miss whether you’ll find the quantity you need to decorate an entire tree. I usually use their ribbon for gift wrapping, rather than decorating a Christmas tree.
Specialty Christmas Ribbon
If you are looking for specialty Christmas ribbon, you’ll pay a little more for it. But, it’s ribbon that you will love many years, and it will help make your tree unique. You can find heirloom quality ribbon through seasonal retailers like Balsam Hill. And, in Canada, check out Canadian retailers Rainsford Company and Decor Veronneau. I bought my Christmas tree ribbon (in the photo below) via Veronneau last year, and it was stunning. Also, I find that Wayfair has unique Christmas ribbon that is a little more premium. Finally, Etsy sellers have gorgeous statement ribbon that you won’t find anywhere else. (Note: Click any ribbon below to take you to the source)

What type of ribbon to buy?
Should you use wired ribbon on your Christmas tree?
YES, absolutely! I definitely recommend buying wired ribbon for your Christmas tree. It is certainly possible to work with un-wired ribbon (like burlap or tulle), but it requires a little more skill. It is always easiest to use the wired stuff, especially if you are a beginner. That’s because it is MUCH easier to get a nice, loose curl in your ribbon if it is wired.

How wide should your Christmas tree ribbon be?
I recommend using wired ribbon that is at least 2.5 inches wide. The wider your ribbon, the more impact it will make. But, if it’s too wide, it is a little harder to work with. So,stay in the of range of 2.5″-4″, unless you are skilled at wrapping a Christmas tree with ribbon.
How many patterns should you buy?
For visual interest, I recommend using 2 or 3 different, coordinating ribbons on your Christmas tree. If you use just one, it needs to be super wide (above 4″) in order to make an impact. If you use more than 3 different patterned ribbons, your tree might look a little crazy, lol. And, all the different ribbon might distract from your beautiful ornaments which are the star of any tree. I get the best results when one of my ribbons is a solid one, and the others are coordinating patterns. But, by all means, experiment and find a combination that you love!

I hope this article answered all your questions about buying Christmas ribbon, including how much ribbon you need for your tree. If you’ve found other great sources for ribbon, hit us all up in the Comments.
Before you go, if you are looking for Christmas tree decorating inspiration, I’ve got LOTS! You can search for ‘Christmas’ in the search bar on my home page or start with these:
Navy Blue & Silver Christmas Tree
Cozy Cabin Themed Christmas Tree
Winter Wonderland Christmas Tree
Now that you’ve got your Christmas ribbon questions answered, are you wondering the best order to decorate your tree? Check out my article on What Goes on a Christmas Tree First?.
Happy Christmas decor buying and planning!
Until next time,