Yesterday, I started to put Christmas back into it’s boxes. Well, I didn’t get too far – just the master bedroom, lol, which only had a couple of strings of snowflake garland, a vase of bulbs, and a few glittery trees and reindeer. Pathetic, I know. Did I tell you I get distracted easily? Oh, and I tend to procrastinate too.
It just so happens that my craft room is off the master bedroom (can you spell temptation), and I thought to myself…everything looks so bare…so maybe if I just whipped up a little wintery something-something to replace my Christmas decorations, then I’d feel better moving on to the next room (smiles to herself :-).
So I had two of these round Umbra-style mirrors stored away. They used to hang over our sinks in our ensuite until I replaced them with larger rectangular ones. I think I only paid $15 each for them at the time (a steal!). They are very airy and reflective; kind of remind me of ice. But any mirror would do.
I pulled out a Martha Stewart glittery alphabet that I had purchased for scrapbooking, but never used. After sorting the letters, I decided on a few wintery words, and stuck them on with 3D adhesive dots, also part of my scrapbooking stash. For a little more bling, I stole two white wooden snowflakes from my Christmas decorations, and added a few tiny gemstones. The final touch was a white photo clip that I glittered up and attached in the centre to hold a winter photo. I have tonnes of favorite winter shots that I can switch up now and again.
Easy peasey.
I’m sharing this at

Talk about distracted. I took down some garlands and had full intent to keep going and I looked at the computer and thought…hmmm…I wonder what's happening at the different parties and what can I learn today? ha haha Happy New Year! Linda