This post was most recently updated on September 23rd, 2019
Have I ever told you that I’m totally crazy about window boxes? Well, if not, now you know. I love, love, love them. I think that if you could look up the definition of “pretty” in the home decorating dictionary, there’d be a photo of a window box!
I’ve always had a thing for them, but I really fell in love with window boxes when we drove through rural France to attend our French friend’s wedding a decade ago. Nearly every little cottage was adorned with a postcard-perfect one overflowing with happiness – just like you’d imagine it to be.
We stayed at the home of friend’s parents, and we had a view from our room of their pretty garden shed with a window box of flowers. I remember thinking back then that, someday, I wanted to have a pretty garden shed in my yard too. I know, I know, I dream big, don’t I?!? Sheesh. You know you have a home decor problem when your 10-year plan involves a pretty garden shed with a window box, not a million dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. 😉
Well, we built a pretty nice shed a few years ago, and I’ve been itching to get to this project!
I’m so excited that today we finally installed one! (Thanks for the help, Dad – as usual!) It’s painted the same color as my turquoise blue doors, Martha Stewart Artesian Well (MSL 117).
The flowers still have a lot of growing to do – in fact, they really look quite sad right now. But I have high hopes for them. I’ll have to show you another pic once it gets fuller.
I can’t wait to fill it with all kinds of seasonal decor as the seasons change. The possibilities are endless!
Now I can tick “Own a window box” off the bucket list, lol. (I’m joking; well, OK, almost).
So do you have a thing for window boxes too? Do you have one? If so, let’s be window box friends :-).
Until next time,

I also love window boxes, we have two windows that have them. Yours are very pretty.
Hugs, Cindy
Thanks so much, Cindy! Hope you’ll come by again soon! ~Kerri
Great job, very pretty coordinating the box color with the door. I am thinking of putting them on my deck railing since we have a condo assoc that won’t allow installing them on the windows. Have to research the best plants for direct sun all day long.
I had window boxes at the old house, and would you believe someone stole them!
I want to put some on the windows of the dormers in the soon-to-be-finished Bonus Space [and by ‘soon’ I mean in this lifetime]… it will jazz up the outside and the inside!
Kerri, it looks awesome!! Super impressed that you’re getting through that list too. Mine keeps getting longer instead of shorter.
You are an inspiration!
I agree! window boxes are adorable! I love when people turn sheds into little houses. My mom built a beautiful shed, but didnt put in a window. Such a shame
Love it.. I just finished and posted mine 2 weeks ago. Since I was late getting to them I started with mature flowers cause I have NO patience lol..
I love them and yes I have one. My previous window box had a history….handmade by my dad in the 70s…used indoors(it was charming) then in 2005 we moved and I added to the outside. We were both happy and life was beautiful until April 2010 when someone must have put out a match after lighting a candle on the deck. In the middle of the night our door bell was ringing like crazy and we ran down the stairs to see fire in the window!!!! Thankfully our neighbor was up and saw flames! We got out, fire department came, etc. we had to get some work done on the outside of the house and I got a new window box but now I’m afrai to put anything in there!